Testosterone Boosters and steroids have been around since the 1930s. It is believed that athletes started to experiment with these powerful compounds during the 60s. Over the last couple of decades there has been much debate on the safety and effectiveness testosterone and other steroid alternatives. With the popularity of these drugs, sports organizations and governments have made some of these substances illegal and have developed very strict disciplinarily actions against the athlete if caught using. With new rules and regulations against anabolic steroids and Human Growth Hormone, it has created a new category of supplements for athletes and bodybuilders called
testosterone boosters.
Natural testosterone supplements are ideal for the drug-tested athlete or for anybody that is looking to increase the levels of test in the body safely.
Supplements that increase testosterone can offer a variety of benefits that include:
- Build muscle mass
- Faster recovery from workouts
- Muscle hardness
- Increase in energy
- Improve libido
Many testosterone boosters contain tribulus. Tribulus Terrestris is a herb that has been used in the traditional medicine of India and China for centuries. During the 1990s, tribulus became popular in North America after Eastern European Olympic athletes said it helped increase their athletic performance. Tribulus is commonly used for erectile dysfunction, infertility, and low libido. As of late, it has been used more for sports performance. In Russia and Bulgaria research shows that the addition to tribulus to the athletes supplement program can increase the level of testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen. A good protocol would be a dosage between 85 to 250mg three times per day.
Men start to feel a decrease in testosterone after the age of 30. When men start to age, the body starts to experience hormonal changes. The production of Test slows down in the period of a decade most men lose around 10 percent of their testosterone. When males reach the age of 40 they begin to start feeling the effects of lowered test levels. The name of this condition is now referred to as Andropause.
Here are some signs of Andropause:- Weight and fat gain
- Loss of libido
- Lack of energy
- Decrease in muscle
- Hair loss
Testosterone increasing supplements along with a solid diet can help send test levels sky high naturally. Eating more protein, fruits, and vegetables and reduce empty carbohydrates and simple sugars. Essential Fats like omega 3 fatty acids and flaxseed are essential for normal test production. A sensible diet along with exercise and proper testosterone boosting supplementation is a wining combination for all of your testosterone needs.
Josh Rafferty
Josh was one of 16 fighters from across the United States to compete on The Ultimate Fighter Season 1, which airs on Spike TV still today. As a Mixed Martial Arts Veteran, Josh has had over 25 fights since 1998 and continues his career into 2009. Josh is also a coach and mentor to many amateur and professional fighters in his hometown of Cincinnati, OH.