Tips to Lose Weight in Time for Summer

Trying to find the right supplements to help you lose weight and get that lean look for this coming summer can be confusing to anyone. With so many theories and information available today, buying supplements can be a real headache.

The following tips are ideas collected from just asking some of today’s top fitness athletes. Those who live the lifestyle daily and know some tricks to help you achieve your own personal weight loss goals.

1. Keep Your Protein Intake High, Bodybuilders and athletes eat a high protein diet for two main reasons. First, Protein actually supports fat loss. Second, it builds and maintains lean muscle mass you already have.

A high protein diet with lower carbs actually has positive effect on your body’s composition. A 2 to 1 ratio of protein to carbs is a perfect way to aid in weight loss.

2. Essential Fats, Essential Fatty acids that are found in fish oil, flax oil and olive oil play a vital role in many different bodily functions. They increase weight loss by aiding in fat oxidation during any type of exercise. By taking EFA’s daily you can essentially burn fat off as natural increase energy.

3. Eat Low Glycemic Carbs; Low Glycemic Carbs when used correctly can have a tremendous effect on weight loss. Low Glycemic Carbs are items such as oatmeal, yams, vegetables and salads. Try to incorporate these items into your daily diet plan especially when you want to increase insulin levels.

4. Drink Water, Drinking Water is something that get forgotten by many, we all think we drink enough water but do we actually get 8 to 10 cups a day in? On average an adult drinks 2 to 4 cups of water daily. By keeping your body refreshed with water you actually naturally increase your metabolic rate. This is a natural thremogenic response and increase weight loss even more.

5. Diet & Weight Loss Aids are not magic pills that when taken with no diet or exercise will help you lose weight; unfortunately there is no such pill. Diet & Weight Loss aids have combined ingredients to increase your body’s natural ability to lose weight and work especially well with a proper diet and exercise plan. Taken throughout your day Weight Loss Pills can speed up weight loss and energy levels to help you reach your goals.

Last but, not least exercise; exercise is a must for increased weight loss and better health. Even low intensity such as walking for 20 min a day can help you to lose weight. If you’re someone looking to get shredded then high intensity aerobic exercise is a choice. The more you supplement, diet and exercise the faster your weight loss will be, hopefully just in time for summer.

By combining the ideas above with a proper diet and exercise program you can start losing weight. The amount of weight you want to lose is ultimately up to you. Make sure and take a look at all the sports, diet and nutrition products available from, Your Portal to Fitness & Wellbeing.

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