Physical fitness and exercise are essential for children in today’s world. The phrase, “My child is a couch potato,” is all too common in this country. Childhood obesity is on a fast incline with troubling results including health problems that are usually associated with adults. The combination of too much television and not enough physical activity can lead to serious concerns that include:
·High Blood Pressure
·High Cholesterol
·Painful Joint Conditions
·Child Gallstones
The number of overweight children has more than doubled in the past 30 years. Obesity prevention should start at home with a proper example of healthy living. Parents should plan fun kids activities and workouts so that the child is exercising enough. So, how much exercise is enough? According to the 2009 dietary guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services, all children 2 years and older should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on most, preferably all, days of the week. Statistics show that 30 percent of children aged 6 to 18 are overweight, with 15 percent of them being obese. Sports training along with physical education play a key role in
children fitness. Kids fitness does not have to limited to team sports like baseball and soccer. Parents can help their children improve self-esteem and body image with individual activities like:
·Weight Training
·Kick Boxing
Healthy kids equal happy kids. Staying active and healthy eating is the solution to this growing problem that has plagued America for the last 15 years. Feeding your children with healthy recipes at an early age will help increase energy and focus at school and in other healthy extra curricular activities. Regular physical activity over months and years produces long-term health benefits and reduces the risk of many diseases. The average kid in the United States spends around 24 hours a week watching television. The introduction of fitness DVDs to your child is a great way to spark interest and excitement for them at home or at the gym. A kid’s personal trainer is another new concept that is being used to help with this alarming problem. Trainers have the ability to help teach healthy habits to kids and also provide them with a fitness foundation that will allow the child to make healthy decisions.
Josh Rafferty
Josh was one of 16 fighters from across the United States to compete on The Ultimate Fighter Season 1, which airs on Spike TV still today. As a Mixed Martial Arts Veteran, Josh has had over 25 fights since 1998 and continues his career into 2009. Josh is also a coach and mentor to many amateur and professional fighters in his hometown of Cincinnati, OH.