Training for mixed martial arts can be very taxing on your body, so
MMA Supplements are a vital part of your training regimen. When you are a fighter your mma training is one of the most important things you do besides taking your MMA Supplements and to be a great fighter you have to train full time. You can’t train one hour a day four days a week and expect to compete at a high level. MMA fighters that fight for a living will train full time which is five to six days a week from four to eight hours daily. When you workout your body this much you definitely need MMA Supplements to make sure you recover and take care of your body.
Here is a list of workout supplements for MMA and what they do for you as an MMA figher:
Glutamine - which is by far the most generous amino acid in the human body. Glutamine will decrease muscle breakdown in the body and speed up the bodies recovery time after a hard MMA training
Creatine - which aides your body by increasing ATP absorption in your muscles. Creatine will help your gain strength, elevate energy, and raise endurance.
Nitric Oxide - NO supplements will help blood and nutrients flow to your muscle. You will get insane pumps in your muscle and energy.
Multi Vitamin and Mineral - This can be one of the most important MMA Supplements you take. MMA Training can be very extreme and exhausting and when you train this hard you are depriving your body of valuable nutrients. Your body uses these nutrients to help build muscle and help the body recovery quicker.
Whey Protein - Consuming a protein shaker after and mma workout will help your muscles recover faster and
whey protein will aid in muscle growth. Whey protein is a must when you participate in any physical activity.
It doesn’t matter if you are a UFC fighter or an amateur mixed martial arts fighter you must eat good foods to help fuel your body. Fighter nutrition is a vital part of any fighter’s routine along with MMA Supplements. MMA nutrition will definitely come into play when a fighter is cutting weight.
You can eat a wide variety of foods to cut the weight and keep energy like:Lean meats: like lean beef, steak, chicken, tuna, fish. These lean meats will help you keep your protein intake high.
Carbohydrates: like brown rice, sweet potato, red skin potato. These cards will help you have some energy between meals.
Vegetables: like broccoli, peas, and asparagus. These vegetables and been very filling if you are hungry. Asparagus also acts as a natural diuretic.
MMA supplements are just as important as your training, nutrition, and dieting. When you take all of these seriously and you have the right combination of supplementation and training you will be an unstoppable force in the cage.
Josh Rafferty
Professional MMA Fighter and
Josh Rafferty has been absorbing and learning about Mixed Martial Arts and Fitness since childhood. Josh has competed in Mixed Martial Arts for over ten years both in the ring and in the corner of some legendary fighters. His fighting career has made him famous, appearing in the hit television shows The Ultimate Fighter and Adrenalin and even made a cameo appearance in the major motion picture Redbelt. Find more from Josh at