10 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Healthy Habits

10 Ways to Help Your Child Develop Healthy Habits

Be a positive role model. If you’re practicing healthy habits, it’s a lot easier to convince children to do the same. Your children are constantly looking up to you.

Get the whole family involved and be active. Plan times for everyone to get moving together. Take walks, ride bikes, walk the dog, go swimming, garden or just play hide-and-seek outside. Everyone will benefit from the exercise and the quality time together.

Limit TV, video game and computer time. These habits lead to an inactive lifestyle and excessive snacking, which increase risks for obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Promote physical activities that children really enjoy. Every child is unique. Let children experiment with different activities until each finds something that he or she really loves doing. They’ll stick with it longer if they love it.

Always be supportive. Focus on the positive instead of the negative. Everyone likes to be praised for a job well done. Celebrate successes and help children and teens develop a good self-image.

Set specific goals and limits, such as one hour of physical activity a day or two desserts per week other than fruit. When goals are too abstract or limits too restrictive, the chance for success decreases.

Don’t reward children with food. Candy and snacks as a reward encourage bad habits. You do not want your children only doing what you ask of them because they know they will be rewarded with sweets. Find other ways to celebrate good behavior.

Make dinnertime a family time. When everyone sits down together to eat, there’s less chance of children eating the wrong foods or snacking too much. Get the kids involved in cooking and planning meals with you. Everyone develops good eating habits together and the quality time with the family will be an added bonus!

Make a habit of reading food labels. The whole family will learn what’s good for their health and be more conscious of what they eat. It’s a habit that helps change behavior for a lifetime.

Stay involved. Be an advocate for healthier children. Insist on good food choices at school. Make sure your children’s healthcare providers are monitoring cardiovascular indicators like BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Contact public officials on matters of the heart. Make your voice heard.

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