A-Z Supplement & Vitamin Guide

Vitamin A appears to have many positive effects in the immune system and may have some anti-cancer effects. It can help with some skin conditions and may be useful in some with Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy. There is emerging evidence that Vitamin A plays crucial roles in embryonic development. Pregnant women, however, should not use doses of Vitamin A greater than the U.S. RDA (5000 IU/day) without a physician’s recommendation and supervision.

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) can help protect against some of the metabolic imbalances caused by heavy alcohol consumption. My help protect against Wernicke’s encephalopathy and some other forms of brain damage seen in some alcoholics, some with HIV, some with anorexia nervosa and others. May be helpful in alcohol withdrawal. Some help in congestive heart failure. Some evidence in mood improvement and cognition.

Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) has been shown to help with migraine prophylaxis. It has significant antioxidant-promoting activity which, experimentally has protected against some cardiac injury. It has demonstrated some activity against esophageal cancer.

Vitamin B-6 may be helpful in some women with PMS or PMDD and in some cases of gestational diabetes and for protection against metabolic imbalances associated with the use of some oral contraceptives. B6 – 100 mg is useful in the management of carpal tunnel syndrome. Helps reduce homocysteine. Helps mainain fluid balance and electrical functioning in heart and nerves. Essential for cellular energy production. Believed to work synergistically with Folic Acic and B12. Some success is helping to prevent skin eruptions.

Vitamin B-12 is especially important for the elderly and for those who have had gastric surgery. Both groups are at high risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency. There is some preliminary indication that Vitamin B-12 may be helpful in inhibiting a pre-cancerous condition in the lungs of smokers, that it might help ameliorate the symptoms of some neuropsychiatric disorders and that it might be useful in some with chronic fatigue and HIV. Helps reduce homocysteine. Supports health of red blood cells and nerves. Aids in DNA creation. Believed to work synergistically with Folic Acid and B6.

Vitamin C has antioxidant activity. It may also have antiatherogenic, anticarcinogenic, antihypertensive, antiviral, antihistaminic, immunomodulatory, opthalmoprotective and airway-protective actions. Vitamin C can significantly reduce the duration and severity of colds in some and reduce the incidence of colds in others. It may also prevent cataracts. It may be helpful in the prevention of some cancers and cardiovascular disease. Primary water-soluble antioxidant; recharges Vitamin E. Required for strong skin, bones and blood vessels. Aids infection resistance. Fights oxidation (degradation) of "bad" LDL cholesterol; supports blood vessel flexibility. Lower overall death rates have been linked to increased C intake. Enhances immunity.

Warning! If you have diabetes and want to try taking large doses of Vitamin C, talk to your doctor first. If you go ahead, please add Vitamin C slowly and check your blood sugar levels often. An abundance of Vitamin C in your urine could give a false negative reading on a glucose urine test.

Warning! If you've been taking large doses of Vitamin C for some time, don't suddenly stop - taper off slowly; otherwise you could experience the symptoms of mild scurvy (rebound scurvy) temporarily.

Vitamin C works better with the following: Calcium, B vitamins, All other vitamins and minerals, Flavonoids, and Magnesium

Vitamin C is blocked by alcohol, some antibiotics, some antihistamines, aspirin, baking soda, barbiturates, birth-control pills, cortisone and estrogen.

Vitamin D has been shown to be useful in reducing bone loss and fracture incidence in the elderly. Some evidence that it may be helpful in preventing or limiting some perinatal growth retardation and that it is of benefit in some cases of psoriasis.

Vitamin E has antioxidant activity. Given to alleviate symptoms of fibrocystic disease of the breast. Appears to be protective against cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer in some individuals. May be of limited benefit in some with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. May be helpful in some neurological diseases (including Alzheimer’s) and in some eye disorders (particularly cataracts) and to some individuals with diabetes and premenstrual syndrome. Primary fat-soluble antioxidant; protects cell membranes. Helps maintain muscles and nerves, and supports healthy skin. Also fights LDL oxidation; keeps blood from clotting excessively. High levels linked to lower rates of macular degeneration and cateracts. May inhibit prostate cancer.

Vitamin E could also help reduce poor memory problems in elderly people. According to recent research, Vitamin E in large doses (2000 IU) seems to slow down - but not stop or prevent - Alzheimer's. In fact, some believe that it works as well as some of the more expensive prescription drugs. The antioxidant power of the E's is probably what helps because it seems to slow the breakdown of brain cells. It could also help reduce poor memory problems in elderly people without Alzheimer's. Researchers have noted a strong connection between low E levels and memory poor enough to cause problems with the activities of daily living.

Keep in mind that although the Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin E was adjusted in 2000, it's still too low (22 IU for most adults) to give you many of the benefits mentioned above; they normally kick in at least at 100 IU. Also, it's difficult to get that much Vitamin E into your diet without supplements.

Confused about IU and mg? Here's a simple formula: 1 mg of natural Vitamin E (like Top of the World Pro Formula) is equal to 1.49 IU.

Vitamin K is indicated in those with Vitamin K deficiency, in some cases of hemorrahagic disease of the newborn, in some malabsorption syndromes and in some on long-term total parenteral nutrition. There is emerging evidence that adequate Vitamin K intake may help protect against osteoporosis generally.

Acetyl L-Carnitine has recently demonstrated some efficacy as a possible neuroprotective agent and may be indicated for use in strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, Down’s Syndrome and for the management of various neuropathies. It may also have anti-aging properties.

Acidophilus - Works as an intestinal cleanser. Acidophilus helps prevent fungus, diverticulosis, acne, and bad breath. Acidophilus also helps in the absorption of calcium in the body, as well as other minerals.

AHCC - AHCC is a nutritional supplement extract developed from the mycelia of several species of mushrooms including the shiitake. In Japan, many consider these mushrooms to be herbal medicines in the tradition of historical Asian medical practice. Intensive research has been conducted in Japan, Korea and the USA to test the effectiveness of the nutrition supplement in enhancing the human immune system. The research shows positive results in tests on animals.

Alanine (L-Alanine HCL) is a non-essential amino acid and is used by the body to build proteins. It is required for the metabolism of glucose and tryptophan and beta-alanine is a constituent of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) as well as coenzyme A. It has also demonstrated a cholesterol-reducing effect in rats. People suffering from Epstein Barr (also sometimes referred to as glandular fever) as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, has been linked to excessively high levels of alanine while having low levels of tyrosine and phenylalanine.

Algae (chlorella, spirulina) - A concentrated source of minerals, protein and vitamins used for blood building, detox and digestive support.

Aloe Vera is used for evacuation relief in the presence of anal fissures after recto-anal operations. Also used for constipation.

Androstenedione - It has been claimed that supplemental androstenedione can significantly increase blood testosterone levels and build muscle.

Apple Pectin - Apple cider vinegar contains all the goodness of the apple in a form that is readily accepted by the body. Scientists have found over 90 different substances in apple cider vinegar, among them 20 important trace elements, minerals, essential enzymes, a number of different acids including malic acid, amino acids and roughage in the form of potash & pectin.

ARA-6 (arabinogalactan) - Larch arabinogalactan exhibits immune-enhancing properties in animal and in vitro studies.

Arginine (L-Arginine HCL) may help improve cognition (e.g. verbal memory) in the aged.

Artichoke is used for liver and gallbladder complaints and for loss of appetite.

Asparagus is used as a diuretic.

Astaxanthin is an antioxidant for brain health, cancer fighter and eye health. It's best taken with oil-rich foods and is not fat soluble.

Astragalus (Huang-Qi) has been used for respiratory infections, immune depression, cancer heart failure, viral infections, liver disease and kidney disease. It has also been used as a diuretic. It's ideal for men because it helps the body resist infection and cope with stress, while increasing stamina and endurance.

Avena Sativa is used for acute and chronic anxiety, atonia of the bladder and connective tissue, connective tissue, connective tissue deficiencies, excitation, gout, kidney ailments in Kneipp therapy, neurasthenic and pseudoneurasthenic syndromes, old age symptoms, opium and tobacco withdrawal treatment, rheumatism, skin diseases, sleeplessness, stress, weakness of the bladder and as a tonic and roborant.

Bacopin is used to Support Healthy Memory & Concentration

Barley Grass - Barley grass is one of the green grasses - the only vegetation on the earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age. Astounding amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins are found in green barley leaves, as well as chlorphyll. These are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients. These include potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Barley Grass is packed with amino acids that help balance neurotransmitters - the brain chemicals that regulate mood and help you cope with stress.

Bay Chi - Helps control appetite. Shortens recovery time after strenuous exercise. Has synergistic effect with other herbs. Immunoenhancing agent.

Bee Pollen – Some studies suggest that bee pollen might protect against some forms of radiation damage, that it might have some immunomodulating effects and that it might have some benefit in pregnancy.

Beta-Carotene aids in cancer prevention.

Beta-Glucan - Beta Glucan is primarily cultured extract of Baker's Yeast cell wall. It has been used in some cultures as an immunostimulant.

Beta-Sitosterol may be helpful in some with BPH (Benign Prostatic hypertrophy)

Bilberry has been used in Diabetes Mellitus (for prevention and treatment); complaints of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and urinary tract, arthritis, gout and dermatitis. Help with diabetic retinopathy and improving night vision is indicated. Natural substances called anthocyanosides in bilberry have been found to boost blood flow to the eyes and help keep the cells in this part of the body well supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

Bioflavonoids help with the absorption of C and protect capillaries.

Biotin can favorably effect lipids.

Black Cohosh – The herb is used – often in combination with St. John’s Wort – for depressive moods associated with PMS and menopausal symptoms.

Blessed Thistle used for dyspeptic complaints and loss of appetite.

Boron may be indicated for the promotion of bone and joint health, particularly in women.

Broccoli Family (includes Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards and kale) - Contains substances that neutralize cancer-causing chemicals and stimulate immune response. Supplies healthy amounts of vitamin C, a known antioxidant. Used for cancer protection and immune support.

Burdock Root is used for ailments and complaints of the gastrointestinal tract as a diaphoretic and diuretic and for blood purifying.

Calcium is useful in preventing and treating osteoporosis. It may also be effective in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. It may be of benefit in some with hypertension and may diminish some of the symptoms of PMS.

Calcium D-Glucarate - Calcium D-Glucarate is the Calcium salt of D-Glucarate, a natural substance found in fruits and vegetables such as apples, grapefruits, broccoli and alfalfa sprouts.

Carob (Also known as St. John's Bread Extract) - Carob is an extract from the bean pods of the Carob tree. For centuries it has been termed “St. Johns Bread” because it was believed to have sustained John the Baptist in the wilderness. Carob is very rich in many vitamins and minerals; especially calcium. It is an alkaline food and is quite flavorful.

Capsicum – see Cayenne

Cascara Sagrada is used for constipation, relief of defecation with anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and as a recto-anal post operative treatment. This herb is also used in preparation of diagnostic procedures of the gastrointestinal tract and to obtain a soft stool.

Cats Claw - Cat's claw has been used for centuries by native Peruvians to support their immune system.

Cayenne Pepper is used for muscular tensions such as muscle spasms of the shoulder, arm and spine as well as for rheumatism. It’s also used for gastrointestinal disorders, seasickness and as prophylactic therapy for ateriosclerosis, strok and heart disease.

Chasteberry is used for PMS and menopausal complaints such as insufficient milk production and mastodynia. It is also used to control libido, increase milk flow, reduce flatulence, suppress appetite and induce sleep. Additional uses include the treatment of impotency, spermatorrhea, prostatitis, swelling of the testes, sexual neurasthenia, sterility, amenorrhea, uterine pain, and swelling of the ovaries. It’s also used to induce menstruation.

Chitosan Garcinia Cambogia - There is some evidence that supplemental chitosan may have favorable effects on lipids and may be of some use in renal failure. Also might be helpful in preventing atherosclerosis and could play a role in wound healing, some types of diabetes and liver disease or injury. Other information suggests that it is also helpful in reducing weight, fighting cancer, healing ulcers, aiding digestion and boosting immunity.

Choline Bitartrate has been recently recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences for pregnant and nursing women to help ensure normal fetal brain development. It may also be helpful in some liver diseases, manic conditions, cognitive disorders, tardive dyskinesia and possibly some cancers.

Chromium – There is some evidence that chromium may improve glucose tolerance and may be helpful in some with diabetes. There is preliminary evidence that it may have some favorable effects on lipids. One key to controlling your appetite is to keep your blood sugar levels steady. The mineral chromium minimizes hunger and cravings. In addition, it may help smooth out mood swings which can lead to depression and anxiety - overeating triggers.

Chondroitin Sulfate – May be indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis, either by itself or in combination with a glucosamine supplement. May also be helpful in atherosclerosis.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) may be indicated in cardiovascular disease, particularly in congestive heart failure. It may also be indicated to correct reduced blood levels of CoQ10 that result from the use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors used to treat elevated cholesterol levels. It appears useful in the management of periodontal disease in some. Found in every cell, CoQ10 is needed for the energy required to carry out every bodily function. CoQ10 is fat-soluble, which means that in the body it resides in fatty structures such as cell membranes. It helps to protect structures that water-based nutrients like vitamin C cannot help defend. Consequently, it is best absorbed when fat is present in your digestive tract. This means it's best to take CoQ10 with oily foods, such as fatty fish or foods containing vegetable oils. Is indicated in the treatment of mild Angina.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a fatty acid which has been found to reduce body fat in middle-aged men who suffered metabolic disorders. It should be taken before meals.

Copper – There is some experimental indication that supplemental copper may have some anticancer effects and may be of benefit in some with arthritis. Claims that it is protective against cardiovascular disease apply primarily to those with copper deficiency.

Creatin Monohydrate and Phosphate may enhance performance in some high-intensity, short-term physical activities.

Curcumin - The curcuminoids are polyphenolic pigments found in the spice turmeric. They may have anticarcinogenic, anti-artherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory (including anti-arthritic), antiviral, antifungal and immune-modulating effects.

DHEA – It is said to help burn fat and build lean muscle mass.

Damiana is used as an aphrodisiac and for prophylaxis and treatment of sexual disorders.

Dandelion is used for dyspeptic complaints, infections of the urinary tract, liver and gallbladder complaints and loss of appetite. Other include disturbances in bile flow, inflammatory conditions of the efferent urinary tract and dyspepsia. It is also used for liver and gallbladder disorders, hemorrhoids, congestion in the portal system, gout, rheumatic disorders, eczema and other skin disorders. The drug has a diuretic effect and is used for kidney and bladder complaints and kidney stone formation.

Dioscorea Villosa – see Wild Yam

Echinacea is used as supportive therapy for colds and chronic infections of the respiratory tract and lower urinary tract. (common cold, cough/bronchitis, fevers and colds, infections of the urinary tract, inflammation of the mouth and pharynx, tendency to infection) Helps support the immune system and stimulate the body's defenses against minor viral and bacterial infections such as colds and flu.

Epimedium Sagitatum extract (Horny goat weed) - Epimedium is one of the most valued tonics of Chinese herbalism. In China it is especially used for supporting healthy sexual activity - thus its name, Horny Goat Weed.

Evening Primrose Oil appears to be effective in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis and may be indicated in some other inflammatory disorders such as Sjorgren’s syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Possible other indications include diabetic neuropathy, osteoporosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hypertension and elevated serum lipids.

False Unicorn Root is used for menstrual disturbances, dysmenorrhea and pregnancy complaints.

Fennel Seed promotes gastrointestinal motility. In higher concentrations, Fennel has an antispasmodic effect.

Flaxseed Oil may be indicated in hyperlipidemia, to decrease platelet aggregation, to lower blood pressure, to help prevent heart attacks and stroke, and to ameliorate some of the symptoms of arthritis. There is a suggestion that it may be helpful in some cancers. According to research at Duke University (Urology 2002) the omega-3 fats and a fiber called lignan in Flaxseed Oil may help shrink prostate cancers and make them less aggressive.

Folic Acid is indicated for the prevention of some birth defects as well as cardiovascular disease ans some forms of cancer. Also helps reduce homocysteine, a substance linked to heart problems; and associated with healthy brain function. Folic Acid may help lower risk of cardiovascular disease through its effects on homocysteine. Possibly increases nitric acid, which dilates blood vessels. May lower colon cancer risk; deficit linked to Parkinson's disease and depression. Folic Acid is believed to work synergistically with vitamins B6 and B12.

Fo Ti - Elevates mood and mental alertness.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) appears to be effective in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis and may be indicated in some other inflammatory disorders, such as Sjogren’s syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Possible other indications include diabetic neuropathy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, hypertension and elevated serum lipids. Other reports indicate that it's a natural aid to weight reduction. It elevates the levels of serotonin, which allows you to feel satiated sooner, eat less and not be tempted to overindulge.

Garlic is used internally as an adjuvant to dietetic measures for elevated lipid levels. The herb is also used for prevention of age-related vascular changes and arteriosclerosis. It has been used in folk medicine for inflammatory respiratory conditions, whooping cough and bronchitis. Garlic is also used for gastrointestinal ailments, particularly digestive disorders with flatulence and gastrointestinal spasms. Other uses consist of menstrual pains and treatment of diabetes. Appears to reduce blood lipids, inhibit blood clotting and fights infectious microbes. Enhances NK cells, an important component of immunity.

Ginkgo Biloba is used for symptomatic relief of organic brain dysfunction, intermittent claudication, vertigo (vascular origin) and tinnitus (vascular origin). Inhibits platelet-activating factor (PAF), a substance that promotes inflammation and blood clotting. Has been shown to ease leg pain caused by narrowed arteries in the legs. Believed to help stabalize cognition in Alzheimer's. Has been indicated for Cerebral Vascular Insufficiency.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) is used internally for fatigue and debility, and for a decrease capacity for work and concentration.

Glucosamine Sulfate may be indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis, either by itself for in combination with chondroitin sulfate.

Glutamine (L-Glutamine HCL) has been shown to be beneficial in some patients with varying forms of catabolic stress, e.g., some cancer, transplantation, intensive-care, surgical and immune-suppressed patients.

Glycine (L-Glycine HCL) – may be indicated to help alleviate the symptoms of spasticity. An indication for potentiating some anti-convulsant drugs and preventing some seizures could emerge, as could an indication for its usei n managing schizophrenia. Research in progress also suggests usefulness in some cancers.

Goldenseal is used for the treatment of irregular mentration, digestive problems and bronchitis.

Gotu Kola has been used for rheumatism and skin diseases.

Grape Seed Extract – Experimental data suggest that grape seed proanthocyanidins may have anticancer activity, that they protect against some forms of lipid peroxidation and that they may be cardioprotective, hepatoprotective and capillary protective. They appear to have anti-inflammatory activity. Anecdotal testimony shows some usefulness in the treatment of arthritis, varicose veins, diabetic retinopathy and some allergies. Appears to improve the heart's ability to recover from trauma.

Graviola - Since a 1976 National Cancer Institute study on the leaves and stems and their effectiveness in attacking and destroying malignant cells, researchers have been studying the further effects of Graviola and its potential uses. The leaves and stems from this Brazillian tree have a long rich history of use in herbal medicine as well as a long recorded indigenous use.

Green Tea Extract – This excellent herbal supplement has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese and other nations for many different reasons. Green Tea Extract provides antioxidant support and may help protect cellular membranes against the injurious effects of excessive free radicals.

Guarana is used as a tonic for fatigue and to quell hunger and thirst, for headache and dysmenorrhoea, digestion problems, fever and as a diuretic. Its effect in stimulating the circulation, heart and diuresis can be explained by the caffeine content. (Basically herbal caffeine)

Gymnema Sylvestre – The Ayurvedic medicine chest is filled with effective, age-old remedies. Known as "gurmar" (which means "sugar destroyer" in India), this weight-buster herb contains gymnemic acids that stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin and lower blood sugar. Also worthy of note is gurmarin, another bionutrient present in gymnema, which inhibits the sweet taste response.

Hesperidin has demonstrated some ability to favorably affect lipids and to treat some vascular disorders in humans. Some claims from animal studies include usefulness in cancer and immune disorders.

Horsetail is used for infections of the urinary tract as well as kidney and bladder stones.

IGF-1 – Indications include anti-aging, promotion of lean muscle mass, enhanced athletic and sexual performance, joint protection, antidiabetic and antiatherosclerotic effects, sleep aid, immune enhancer, neuroprotector and much more.

Iodine – Apart from its use in iodine-deficiency disorders and for certain hyperthyroid conditions and thyroid storm, iodine is used as an expectorant and has demonstrated some ability to protect against the toxic effects of radioactive materials. It has shown some preliminary efficacy in the treatment of sarcoidosis and has ameliorated some of the symptoms of fibrocystic disease of the breast.

Inosine - Inosine is a nucleoside, one of the basic compounds comprising cells. It is a precursor to adenosine, an important energy molecule, and plays many supportive roles in the body. Based upon anecdotal reports by Russian and Eastern European athletes, inosine has been investigated for ergogenic (exercise boosting) effects.

Inositol protects against hardening of the arteries. May also help with depression and caffeine depletes.

Iron is mainly used for treating iron-deficiency anemia, but has been used with some success in reducing the frequency of breath-holding spells in children. It is helpful in Plummer-Vinson syndrome and, in that context, may help prevent cancer of the esophagus and stomach in those with this syndrome.

Juniper Berries is used to regulate menstruation and to relieve menstrual pain, flushing out therapy for inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract, gout, arteriosclerosis, for severe irritation resulting from bronchitis and diabetes. Also used for loss of appetite and dyspeptic complaints.

Kava Kava is used for nervous tension, stress and agitation.

Korean Ginseng - Studies indicate that Korean Ginseng stimulates concentration and endurance and is considered a tonic for the brain. It also nutritionally benefits the body’s ability to resist stress and boost immune functions.

L-Carnitine is used for energy production.

L-Histidine may be indicated for its use in some with rheumatoid arthritis.

Lecithin - Lecithin is a lipid that is required by every single cell in your body. The cell membranes in the body are composed largely of lecithin. These membranes handle the flow of nutrients in and out of the cell. The protective sheaths around your brain are also made of lecithin. Muscles and nerve cells also use lecithin. Lecithin is used to: prevent arteriosclerosis, protect against cardiovascular disease, improve brain function, increase energy levels, repair damage from alcoholism, help in digestion of fats, aging, immune system disorders, AIDS, herpes, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Licorice Root is used for cough/bronchitis, gastritis and gastric/duodenal ulcers. In folk medicine, the herb is used for appendicitis, constipation, and to increase milk production and micturation. The drug is also used as a treatment for epilepsy and inflammation of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tract.

Lutein shows some promise of protecting against macular degeneration and may reduce the risk of cataracts in some. Lutein is a carotenoid.

Lycopene reduces the risk of lung and prostate cancer. Lycopene is a carotenoid.

Maca (lepidium meyenii) - A plant grown in Peru that produces a radish-like root that is responsible for its sex enhancing ability. In studies, subjects given maca experienced greater sexual satisfaction, increased energy, and stamina. This plant has long been used to restore sexual vitality, enjoyment and performance.

Magnesium – Treatment with supplemental magnesium may be helpful in the treatment of ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes mellitus, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia and hypertension, among others. Assists in energy and fat metabolism. Helps maintain healthy muscle and nerve function and helps fight stress. Supports healthy bones by regulating calcium usage. Appears to ease asthma.

Manganese – Apart from its uses in rare overt deficiency disorders, manganese might have some efficacy in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis as well as in some with PMS.

Ma Huang is used for diseases of the respiratory tract with mild bronchospasms in adults and children over the age of six. (cough/bronchitis) Various indications include asthmas, cardiovascular stimulation and as a CNS stimulant. (ephedra)

Marshmallow Root – Uses include irritation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa and associated dry cough; mild inflammation of the gastric mucosa; as cataplasm for light inflammations and skin burns; and for insect bites.

Milk Thistle has been a popular liver remedy for at least 2000 years. It has the ability to regenerate damaged liver cells, treat cirrhosis and chronic inflammatory liver conditions, and protect the liver from industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride.

Molybdenum (sodium molybate) is indicated in cases of molybdenum deficiency due to prolonged use of total parenteral nutrition.

Motherwort Used for hyperthyroidism, flatulence, bronchial athsma, climacteric symptoms and amenorrhea.

Muira Puama (ptychopetalum olacoides aka potency wood) - The root of this shrub, native to Brazil, has been proven in a sexology study in Paris, France to increases libido as well as helps patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). In fact, preliminary research suggests that Muira Pauma is one of the best botanical remedies for erectile dysfunction and increased blood flow to the penis.

Niacin is effective in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides and appears to help protect against atherosclerosis.

Oat Bran – see Avena Sativa

Oatstraw (avena sativa) - This restorative herb assist in renewing and strengthening the vitality of the nervous system as well as restoring elasticity to veins and improving circulatory functions. Other noted benefits of Oatstraw are increased balance, memory, sensitivity to pleasant stimuli, and improved coordination.

Octocosanol - It is the active ingredient in wheat germ oil. It is used to increase endurance, stamina & vigor.

Olive Leaf Extract - Some experts and practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine tout olive leaf extract as one of the most powerful boosters of a weakened immune system that is under attack. The active ingredient of the plant is called oleuropein; it is this component that is responsible for its therapeutic benefits. The most significant of the benefits of olive leaf extract is its ability to interrupt the replication of many pathogens, which include viruses, bacteria, parasites, and the like. In this regard, it does not cure any diseases, but rather is said to help destroy the pathogens that can cause diseases.

Panax Ginseng (Ginseng) is used internally for fatigue and debility, and for a decrease capacity for work and concentration.

Pantothenic Acid has shown some benefit in aiding rheumatoid arthritis.

Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) has been indicated in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease, scleroderma, morphea and linear scleroderma.

Parsley - Acts as a diuretic, encouraging urination. Long used by herbalists to ease intestinal gas and discomfort. Good source of vitamin C. Used for urinary tract support and in the prevention and treatment of kidney gravel.

Phaseo Vulgaris is used as a supportive treatment for inability to urinate. Also used as a diuretic and antidiabetic. Others: infections of the urinary tract as well as kidney and bladder stones.

Phosphorus - Phosphorus is the second most abundant (next to calcium) mineral in the body and is found in all plants and animals. It is an essential component of bone mineral where it occurs in the ratio of 1 phosphorus to 2 calcium. Since phosphorus is present in every cell, it is involved in most chemical reactions in the body. Phosphorus is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. It is essential for energy production and stimulates muscle contractions including those of the heart

Pine Bark Extract – Pinus Bark is used for digestive disorders, diarrhea and diseases of the mouth and throat. It was formerly used to treat scurvy.

Pomegranate - In folk medicine, Pomegranate is used for diarrhea and dysentery and as an astringent. Homeopaths have also long used it as a help for gastrointestinal disturbances.

Potassium may be useful in the prevention and treatment of hypertension in some, notably African Americans. Epidemiological studies have suggested that high dietary intake of potassium may protect many populations against stroke. More recent analyses suggest that this protection may be restricted to black men and hypertensive men.

Pumpkin Seed has been used for irritable bladder and prostate complaints.

Red Raspberry - Red Raspberry Extract has been used by women in treating fibroids that cause excessive bleeding. It’s also a popular folk remedy for painful and profuse menstruation, diarrhea, stomach ailments, colds, mouth sores and inflamed mucous membranes of the throat.

Rosemary Extract is used internally for dyspeptic disorders and externally for hypotonic circulatory disorders and rheumatic conditions. Also for blood pressure problems, dyspeptic complaints, loss of appetite and rheumatism.

Royal Jelly may have favorable lipid effects, including cholesterol-lowering effects. There is very preliminary evidence that it may have some antibiotic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and anti-cancer effects.

Rutin may be useful in the management of venous edema. It may help strengthen capillaries, protect against some toxins and have anti-inflammatory effects, as well as some anti-cancer effects.

Quercetin has been known to protect against heart attacks and stroke. May be of benefit to some allergies, in conditions characterized by capillary fragility, in chronic prostatis and in some cancers. It may have beneficial effects on immunity.

Sarsparilla Root is used for skin diseases, psoriasis, rheumatic complaints, kidney diseases and as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

Saw Palmetto is used for urination problems in benign prostate hyperplasia states I and II. This medication relieves only the difficulties associated with enlarged prostate without reducing the enlargement. Used for prostate complaints and irritable bladder.

Selenium – Low dietary intake of selenium is associated with increased risk of some cardiomyopathies, ischemic heart disease and cardiovascular disease generally. Low intakes are also associated with increased incidence of some cancers, including prostate, lung, colorectal, gastric and skin cancers. It is essential for a healthy immune system and may have some anti-inflammatory benefits. Could be used for rheumatoid arthritis.

Senna is used for constipation and for evacuation of the bowel prior to diagnostic tests of the gastrointestinal and colorectal area.

Shark Cartilage – Widespread claims are made for shark cartilage including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-psoriasis and anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Siberian Ginseng has an immune-stimulating/immune-modulating and antiviral effect. It can be used to fight fatigue, stress, jetlag, adrenal weakness and altitude sickness.

Silicon is needed for collagen and connective tissue. Elderly may need more.

Smilax Officianalis – see Sarsparilla

Sodium Chloride - Common salt.

Soy Isoflavones may be helpful in preventing and treating some forms of heart disease and cancer. They may ameliorate some menopausal symptoms and may be beneficial in preventing osteoporosis.

Soy Protein – 25 grams of soy protein aday, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. The isoflavone constituents of soy protein may confer some additional benefits (see soy isoflavones)

Spirulina has shown some indication of having antiviral effects in preliminary in vitro and animal studies. There is also evidence of a preliminary nature that it might favorably affect some immune functions and have some hepatoprotective capability. It has shown some promise of inhibiting some allergic reactions in recent experimental studies, Hypocholesterolemic effects have been reported in some animal studies. Spirulina also detoxifies the kidneys and liver, inhibiting the growth of fungi, bacteria and yeasts.

Spinach - Contains the carotenoid lutein, which provides eye protection against excess sunlight. Also contains antioxidants that appear to forestall DNA damage, an early step in cancer development. Used for cancer protection and vision support.

St. John's Bread Extract (Also known as Carob) - Carob is an extract from the bean pods of the Carob tree. For centuries it has been termed “St. Johns Bread” because it was believed to have sustained John the Baptist in the wilderness. Carob is very rich in many vitamins and minerals; especially calcium. It is an alkaline food and is quite flavorful.

St. John’s Wort is used for psychovegetative disturbances, depressive moods, anxiety and nervous unrest. Used for anxiety, depressive moods, inflammation of the skin, blunt injuries and wounds and burns.

Stearic Acid - Stearic acid is an essential saturated fat that can actually lower blood cholesterol in your body.

Sukday - Helps balance adrenals for increased strength and stamina. Helps strengthen kidneys and bladder.

Taurine (L-Taurine HCL) may be helpful with some congestive heart failure and hypertension. It has demonstrated some antiatherogenic effects in both animal and human studies. It may even help improve glucose tolerance and protect against some toxins.

Tribulus (tribulus terrestris) - This Indian herb restores and improves libido, it also prolongs the duration of an erection. It is very popular for its dominate role in supporting the reproductive functions of men. Additionally, it increases anabolic hormones and testosterone to optimum levels as well as increasing sex drive.

Uva Ursi Leaves is used for infections of the urinary tract.

Vanadium improves insulin use. Athletes may require more.

Vanadyle Sulfate - Vanadyl sulfate, one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements, is derived from trace mineral vanadium. Athletes have long used vanadyl sulfate to increase their performance. It is believed to play a role in regulating the body’s blood sugar levels, similar to insulin. Studies show that vanadyl sulfate mainly helps the muscle cells uptake glucose (instead of fat cells (adipocytes) uptaking glucose). Basically, by mimicking the actions of insulin, vanadyl sulfate forces more proteins, amino acids, and carbohydrates directly into muscles.

Watercress - Rich source of vitamins and minerals. Contains substances that help eliminate mucus from the lungs and upper airway. Used in respiratory support.

Wheat Grass (and other grasses) - Concentrated source of minerals, protein and vitamins. Used for detox and general nutritional support.

Whey Protein is from bovine milk. 80% of the total protein in bovine milk comes from caseins while the other 20% comes from whey. Whey protein may be useful in the nutrition of some infants and others. May have some immune-modulating and anticancer effects. Also used to build muscle. In addition, whey protein contains lactoferrin, which binds iron (a mineral needed for bacterial growth). This may explay whey's antibacterial action against a number of pathogens, including salmonella and streptococcus pneumonia. New research even suggests that whey reduces stress (by lowering cortisol levels) and blood pressure. Best of all there are no known interactions with food, herbs, nutritional supplements or pharmaceutical drugs. Those with dairy sensitivities, however, may develop allergic reactions to the whey.

White Pond Lily is used for gynecological disorders and externally for ulcers, inflammation, furuncles, finger ulcers, reddened skin, burns and injuries.

White Willow Bark is used for rheumatism and pain. Also used for headaches.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa) is used for rheumatic conditions, gallbladder colic, dysmenorrhea and cramps.

Yellow Dock has been used for acute and chronic inflammation of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, asthmatic conditions, tracheal cough and morning diarrhea. It is also used as an adjuvant in antibacterial therapy.

Yohimbe extract - Yohimbe is a herb originating from Africa and used worldwide as an aphrodisiac or libido enhancer. For centuries the indigenous people have used this herb as an aphrodisiac tonic for sexual function. The extract from the Yohimbe bark is a prescription drug used to treat impotence and is one of two prescription drugs along with Viagra approved to treat impotence.

Zeaxanthin is an antioxidant needed for eye health. It's used in combination with lutein. Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid.

Zinc deficiency has been linked to alcoholism, malabsorption syndromes, acrodermatitis enteropathica, anorexia nervosa, thermal burns and total parenteral nutrition. Supplemental zinc may be helpful in some of the foregoing, in some conditions of immune impairment, in come complications of pregnancy, in the prevention of some cases of fetal neural tube defects, diarrhea, oligospermia, delayed wound healing and some cognitive disorders. Some recent thoughts have it linked to ameliorating symptoms of the common cold.
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