Should I Take DHA While Pregnant?

Should I take a DHA supplement while I’m pregnant and/or breastfeeding?

By Julie Riggs, MEd, RD, LD

Research suggests that using DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding can help improve fetal brain and eye development. This omega-3 fatty acid is currently a popular addition to many prenatal vitamins. There are also non-prescription DHA supplements designed especially for pregnant/breastfeeding women. These are free of heavy metals or toxins that may be found in other DHA supplements. Since DHA is an essential fatty acid (the body does not make it on its own), it is very important that the mother does obtain DHA in some form, whether it is eaten as a food or taken as a supplement. A developing fetus is depending solely on the mother for its source of DHA. Likewise, if a woman is exclusively breastfeeding her infant, her breast milk is the only source of DHA for the baby.

The recommended dose has not been clearly established, but experts suggest taking at least 200 mg up to 300 mg per day is beneficial. Oily fish and flaxseed oil are the main food sources in the American diet, so intake is typically low. This is where supplementation can be necessary.

Recent research has shown that children whose mothers were given 200 mg doses of DHA for the first four months of breastfeeding were found to perform better in attention tests than those whose mothers were given a placebo. The test was conducted once the children turned age five. The DHA was said to be the key building block of the developing infant’s brain and visual system. It also promotes mental and cardiovascular health by significantly reducing the risk of heart disease and related cardiovascular events as the child ages. Adding DHA to infant formulas and/or having the breastfeeding mother supplementing with it is such an increasingly important part of the beginning of an infant’s overall development. So much so, as it relates to mental health and brain development, evidence is even suggesting there could be a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as a related benefit.

So to answer the question, absolutely! Please take a DHA supplement while pregnant and while breastfeeding. Your child will thank you later.

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