HMB - MuscleSupport
HMB isavailable on Sale at a Discount of up to 50% off at the MSRP atI-Supplements!
What is HMB?
HMB, or"beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate", is a metabolite of theamino acid Leucine and is produced naturally by the human body. HMBcan also be found in many of the foods we eat such as grapefruit andcatfish and can even be found in mother's milk! Although HMB can befound in nature, it is very impractical and difficult to consume thesefoods on a regular enough basis to provide the full benefits of HMB.Therefore supplementing with HMB may be advantageous to weighttraining athletes or those under extreme muscular stress, like trackand field athletes. I-Supplements only provides top qualityarticles and supplements.
Why should I useHMB?
As is the goal ofmany of today's top supplements, including creatine monohydrate andL-Glutamine, HMB is used in an attempt to boost strength levels,enhance gains in muscle size and strength, and prevent muscle tissuebreakdown that can occur subsequent to strenuous exercise. Scientistsare not sure exactly how HMB works, but it is believed that this aminoacid metabolite aids in the body's attempts to minimize proteinbreakdown that can occur subsequent to intense exercise. Therefore, byminimizing the breakdown of protein, or muscle, HMB may help the bodyrecover faster from exercise which can lead to quicker and greatergains in muscle size and strength.
What research hasbeen done on HMB?
Aside from creatine monohydrate, HMB is one of the most highly studied supplements on themarket today. Studies have been done on HMB involving animals andhumans. Several important double-blind, placebo controlled universitystudies have shown that HMB helped young male weight-training athletesgain more muscle size and strength. Another study examined the effectthat HMB had on older adults (over 65 years of age) who trained withweights. This study showed that taking HMB helped these individualsget better results faster, than non-supplementation. Still anotherstudy showed that women who exercised regularly with weights gainedmore size and strength and burned more fat when they supplemented withHMB. Finally, a study involving cyclists showed that whensupplementing with HMB, their endurance was significantly enhanced. Asyou can see, the list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that HMB is asafe natural supplement that has real-world data to back it up.
What doses of HMBshould be taken?
Most of thescientific studies that have been done on HMB have used a dose of 3grams per day, taken in divided doses. Some studies examined theeffects of taking 1.5 grams per day versus 3. These studies showedthat the group taking the higher dosage, in this case 3 grams per day,made significantly better gains in strength and size and lost morebody fat than the 1.5 gram per day group. Some individuals, such asbodybuilders or individuals weighing over 200 lbs. might benefit bytaking 4.5-6 grams per day. Although no scientific studies have provenit yet, it appears that the effects of HMB may be dose related.
What side effectsare caused by HMB?
As of yet, no knownside effects have been reported or documented from the use of HMB. Asstated before, HMB is a natural substance produced by the human bodyand taking HMB in recommended doses appears to be safe and is backedby scientific research. Studies have even suggested HMB may aid inArtery health and help reduce cholesterol levels as well.
Should I cycleHMB?
The scientificstudies that have been done on HMB did not uncover any compellingevidence that cycling HMB can be advantageous, but many athletes do soanyway. Popular schemes include using HMB during intense trainingperiods or periods of "dieting down" , as well as using 4-6grams per day when an athlete changes their routine to prevent unduemuscle tissue breakdown and help speed recovery.