Kre-Alkalyn is "buffered creatine" that doesn't convert into creatinine prior to reaching skeletal muscle tissue. Kre-Alkalyn is a supplement that comes in powder form. It is packaged in a purple caplet that can be administered orally.
Kre-Alkalyn is manufactured by All American Pharmaceutical Corporation and is registered under United States patent 6,399,661.
What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?
All data to date is anecdotal. No clinical trials have been conducted on Kre-Alkalyn.
Kre-Alkalyn is believed to have the benefits of regular
creatine, without the associated side-effects of creatine monohydrate use. The efficacy and safety of creatine monohydrate is well established in scientific literature and thus Kre-Alaklyn is believed to have the same ergogenic abilities and safety profile.
Anecdotal evidence for Kre-Alkalyn has been mostly positive. Many users report a decrease in water retention and the elimination of the infamous "creatine bloat." Many users also report immediate results and the elimination of the "loading" phase normally required for regular creatine monohydrate use.