Are you taking care of your liver?


Cleansing and detoxifying your liver is one of the most powerful procedures you can do to enhance your body's performance. It can significantly improve digestion, regularity, transit time, and energy levels, which is the basis of your health.

A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight gain, water retention, and a host of other health woes. A liver cleansing can help with a fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, or elevated liver enzymes, and save you thousands of dollars and months of pain by facilitating the avoidance of needless surgery for gallstones. Liver cleansing diets and liver support supplements can help you avoid possible subsequent complications from liver disease, and the development of other afflictions related to an unhealthy liver.

But before you consider maximizing your liver function, be sure to cleanse your colon first. Why? A major function of the liver is to clean your blood, and the best way to make it as easy as possible for the liver to do this is to cleanse the colon first, so the blood that comes to your liver is as toxin-free as possible.

If your colon is obstructed with years of accumulated debris, the massive amounts of toxins to be eliminated from a liver cleansing cannot easily be evacuated from your body if your colon is blocked. Therefore, it is imperative to cleanse the colon before beginning your liver cleanse.

·Why Liver Cleanse? - In our industrialized developed world, we are immersed in a sea of toxic chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that half-a-million chemicals are in use today, and over five thousand new chemicals are introduced yearly. Some researchers believe up to twenty-five percent of these may be carcinogenic. This is why it is crucial to cleanse your liver of the toxic waste of twenty-first century living. If your liver becomes overworked, it can become congested. Toxic compounds and impurities may get trapped in deposits of hardened bile. Pollutants may not be flushed out of the body, and can back up in your blood stream.

·Precautions - If possible, do not take any pharmaceuticals during your liver flush. If you are under a physician's care, consult with him or her prior to your cleanse, and follow your doctor's instructions concerning your medications. Remember, when you are detoxifying your liver, you will not receive full benefit from any medication because they may be flushed out with the cleanse, reducing their effectiveness.

·Final Step - After you have completed liver cleansing, it is important to cleanse the colon again. Some of the toxins and waste products removed, including drug residues from pharmaceutical products you have taken over the years, will move through the colon. If it is not re-cleansed, the colon can reabsorb these compounds, and re-toxify your blood and body.

Liver cleansing offers an inexpensive and easy way to detoxify, protect, and rejuvenate one of your most important organs and the many body functions it supports. Your liver has the marvelous ability to recover and regenerate; all it needs from you is a little help to jump-start the miracle.

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