If you want to make your penis bigger, there is nothing wrong with you. In today's world, people are accustomed to changing the parts of their body they don't like (think plastic surgery). Your penis isn't that different from other parts of your body and your desire to increase the size of your penis is absolutely normal. However, since penis enlargement is still a partial taboo in the western society, you may lack necessary information to make right choices. I hope that this article will help you to understand the basics of penis enlargement methods and techniques.
The most heavily promoted option involves use of penis enlargement (or male enhancement) pills. If you remember some TV commercials smiling Bob...), you even may know some of the most advertised products. To find out whether penis enlargement pills work or not, let's look at some examples and see what these pills are made of.
A significant majority of
male enhancement pills constitute a mix of herbal ingredients. Most of those have exotic names such as Korean red ginseng root or muira puama extract. But don’t let the exotic names scare you -- these are still simple herbs, which won’t have a permanent effect on your penis size. However, they can provide a temporary boost to your erections.
The only methods of permanent penis enlargement without surgery endorsed by doctors and confirmed by clinical studies, are penis exercises known as jelqing. These exercises may be performed manually or may require use of special devices (such as penis extenders). Penis enlargement exercises are absolutely safe and guaranteed to increase your penis size within three to six months.
So, what is jelqing?Jelqing is basically a form of penis enlargement exercise sometimes referred to as milking, because it is similar to the motion that is performed when doing this exercise.
Jelqing works by increasing blood pressure within the penis. The end result is a permanent increase in size, both in length and girth.
Jelqing is performed by wrapping the thumb and the forefinger around the base of the penis. This is done in what's called the "semi-erect state"; meaning about a 50-60% erection is needed when performing this exercise. From the base, the thumb and forefinger are moved all the way up to the head in a slow massaging like motion. This is then repeated with the other hand. And again several repetitions are repeated alternating hands.
Jelqing will create more vascularity in what’s known as the corpus cavernosa, as well as increasing size in other related tissues. So you will notice size increase right away, though permanent size increase takes several weeks before noticing.
Jelqing is usually always performed as part of a routine. That is, specific repetitions and sets are performed, as well as a warm up and cool down procedure before and after.