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Pyruvate is acompound that occurs naturally in the human body and is an end productof the metabolism of sugar and starch. Pyruvate is the primary orbeginning compound in the Krebs's Cycle. The Krebs's Cycle is anenergy cycle of chemical and enzyme actions that produce ATP or itsdirect precursors. ATP is the primary energy mechanism that the bodyuses when performing short powerful bursts of motion, likeweightlifting. I-Supplements only provides top qualityarticles and supplements.
There has been somerecent data that suggests that in conjunction with a low-fat diet,Pyruvate can increase the amount of energy that the mitochondria (aregion in cells where compounds are used to create energy), uses aswell as possibly inhibiting fat production in the body. For athletesor persons looking to lose weight, this can mean a natural added boostto your fat loss efforts.
Various researchstudies have been done on Pyruvate that were conducted on humans in adouble-blind, placebo manner. These studies have shown thatsupplementing the diet with Pyruvate has had a significant effect onsustained weight and fat loss. Subjects in these studies enhanced fatloss up to 48%. It should be noted however that these studies wereconducted on obese women and not on well conditioned athletes. Inaddition to these studies, others have shown that supplementing withPyruvate increased muscular endurance through an infusion of glucoseand glycogen.
There are nodefinitive studies showing what doses of Pyruvate are most effective.However, many scientists believe that taking anywhere from 2-6gm perday can have significant results. I-Supplements 2000.
Pyruvate has thus farbeen shown to be extremely safe and effective. No known side effectshave been reported.
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