Schwartz Labs Hyper CellFunny story, back in 1994 I was first introduced to flavored creatine. One of my good friends informed me to begin adding to my regular routine. He also informed me to drink plenty of water. My good friend “Zaba” has a vast knowledge of supplements, (he owns his own company!) so when he told me to introduce this product into my diet, I listened and began shortly thereafter. Now, silly thing is, is that he never told me exactly how much water I should drink, he just told me to drink plenty! Plenty of water to me was about 2 cups a day, no joke! As I started experiencing cramps and serious pain while using the potty, the first thing that came to mind was, “I need to call my girl.” So after accusing my girlfriend of some pretty serious allegations, I decided to go to my doctor. Things did not seem like they were going well at all. Once the doc checked me out, he looked at me all funny and quickly said “you’re just dehydrated jack rabbit.” Immediately, I started thinking of the ways I could attempt to apologize to my girlfriend. I asked the doctor if this new product I was taking could cause this to happen to me. He again looked at me all funny and said yes. I left the office shortly thereafter to call Zaba. Once I explained to him my current situation, he laughed at me for what seemed like forever, and said “hey idiot, I told you to drink plenty of water!” I then said I did drink plenty of water, just like you told me to. He then asked how much, and I said the usual amount, 2 cups. He again broke out in laughter and said “2 gallons jack ass, NOT 2 cups!” I learned two lessons after that crazy experience.
1 – Always read directions before starting a new supplement and 2 – NEVER accuse your girlfriend of anything like that before going to the doctor!
P.s. When someone tells you to drink ‘plenty’ of water, make sure you know how much plenty is!!!