Are CBD Oils Legal with a peppermint 600mg CBD Oil and a girl examining a Hemp plant

Are CBD Oils legal? With so much conflicting information out there, it can be hard to find the right answer. Luckily, you came to the right place because CBD is our specialty. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD is federally legal. The legalization of CBD has allowed it to become a key player in the natural health industry. As this “miracle compound” gains popularity, more people are turning to CBD for its potential health benefits like better sleep, improved immune system function, and pain management. At Hemp Bombs, all our products are federally legal, but not all CBD products on the market are created equal. When asking “are CBD Oils legal,” it is important to consider the source of the CBD and how it has been manufactured.



What is CBD?

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a natural compound present in both Hemp and Marijuana plants. Hemp and Marijuana are sometimes called sister plants because they are both members of the Cannabis family. Traditionally, Hemp has been used in the textile, auto, and construction industries, Hemp plants contain high concentrations of CBD and trace amounts of THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol – the cannabinoid, or chemical compound, responsible for causing a “high;” while Marijuana plants contain up to 35 percent THC. The purported wellness benefits of CBD have now brought this crop to the forefront of the natural health industry.


What is CBD Oil?

CBD Oil or CBD Tincture, is comprised of CBD isolate, MCT Oil, and Grape Seed Oil. CBD Oil is taken sublingually, or under the tongue, because the tissues in this area allow for quicker absorption. Hold a few drops under your tongue for about 15 seconds to experience maximum results. Everyone reacts differently to CBD, so you may need more depending on your diet, weight, and gender. Try slowly increasing your intake so that you have a better idea of your ideal dosage.


Are CBD Oils Legal?

Hemp-derived CBD Oils are federally legal, but incorrect information has muddied the waters causing people to wonder if CBD Oils are legal. CBD Oils are available as isolate or full spectrum products. As previously mentioned, all Hemp Bombs products are manufactured with CBD isolate. This pure CBD contains no THC and is federally legal.

On the other hand, full-spectrum products – while federally legal - may contain trace amounts of THC, potentially causing a failed drug test and making them illegal in some states. Neither CBD isolate products nor full spectrum products have enough THC to cause psychoactive effects, and both provide potential CBD benefits. It is also important to distinguish between Hemp- and Marijuana-derived CBD products — because the latter is not federally legal. Marijuana contains much higher concentrations of THC, making its derivatives more likely to be psychoactive and result in a failed drug test. While Marijuana-derived products are legal in some states, they are not federally legal.


The Benefits of CBD Oil

Now that you know CBD Oils are legal, you may be wondering how they can benefit you. CBD has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antispasmodic properties that may ease the symptoms of conditions like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and acne.


Upon entering the system, CBD binds to overactive immune cells to activate caspase. Caspase encourages overactive immune cell death to reduce inflammation. Inflammation can cause pain and redness at the inflamed area. Those with chronic pain may experience relief and have a better quality of life as a result. These properties may also help reduce redness and inflammation for those with acne, lending to a clearer complexion.
CBD works as an antioxidant by binding to free radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons in the body). When the number of free radicals outweighs the antioxidants in the body, it increases the risk of conditions like cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. The antioxidant properties may also protect the skin from premature aging and wrinkles caused by environmental factors like UV rays and pollution.
Those living with fibromyalgia may benefit from the and anti-spasmodic properties of CBD. The condition is commonly known for chronic pain but is also characterized by muscular spasms in “hotspots” in the back and neck. CBD may allow the muscles to relax and become less active, reducing the number of spasms.

These are only a few of the properties associated with CBD. However, the smorgasbord of potential benefits has made this product essential for millions of people. The confusion and misconceptions surrounding the CBD industry may leave you asking, “are CBD Oils legal,” but we can assure you that all Hemp Bombs products are federally legal. It is important to stay informed about your state’s laws and regulations, as there may be some differences. The CBD industry is constantly evolving, and the laws about this “miracle compound” are expanding to provide maximum benefits and efficiency for people everywhere.



Marijuana Break – CBD as an Antioxidant: These Studies Show How It Works

National Center for Biotechnology Information – Cannabinoids in the Management of Difficult to Treat Pain

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